My base riding starts tuesday. I got up kinda early to get in a ride. I ate, drank soem coffee, suited up and woke Cary up trying to frivolously pump air into my tires. I got some sweet socks from varsity sports to make some cool weather shoe covers.... this is kinda what they look like.....

That's right bitches.. white with black heel toe socks?! and yes I photoshopped a pair of assos shoe covers. I've wanted to wear some for so long, and no one would dare actually manufacture any real shoe covers. It's either too euro, or too frickin dumb cause who the hell would buy em, and if someone did, they'd prolly get laughed off the road. To my surprise, I feel people are giving me more cool looks, and chin nods as to say, "hey man, those some sweet shoes ya dig?" and a couple looks scream, "damn, you pull that shit off nice and clean. that guys pretty cool for a white dude.. cash rules everything around me cream..." Maybe I feel so good in them that my positive energy is rubbing off on people.
Anyways back to my story. I got up to ride and after getting ready and dragging myself around for an hour I saddled up and left. There's a stop sign about 45 seconds down the road that I go through, and right before I got there it absolutely started pouring. Like that night and day pouring. Fricking bullet rain the size of golfballs... so.. golfball rain? I had no light on me and it was kinda darkish, my tires were super worn from all season, and I almost got smoked by a suburban literally 2 seconds after it started raining. I took the signs and went home. A solid 2.5 minute ride mostly at threshold. SOOO now that I have glycogen stores to last me through an ironman, tomorrows ride should be pretty sweet.... plus I get to wear my sweet booties.
Cool photoshopped socks. When do we start training?
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